Video development using neural networks

All of these video concept images were developed
by us using neural networks.
Do you know anything about neural networks? Then let us tell you a couple of our thoughts about it.

But wait, why am I going to tell you? I'm human. So I get lazy, bad mood, and many different buts. Let the neural network tell itself. We use GPT-3 for this. So, I asked the neural network a question: How can you be useful for our business, write a short article?

Here's the answer:
Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence that are modeled after the brain. They are able to learn and recognize patterns, and make predictions based on data. Neural networks have been used in a variety of industries, including the creative industries. In the creative industries, neural networks can be used for a number of tasks, including content generation, style transfer, and image generation. For example, neural networks can be used to generate realistic images of people or objects that do not exist in the real world. This can be used for things like creating images for movies or video games. Neural networks can also be used to transfer the style of one image to another. This can be used to create new images that have the same style as a specific artist or to create a new image that is a combination of two different styles. Finally, neural networks can be used to generate images from textual descriptions. This can be used to create images for things like websites or books. Neural networks are a powerful tool that can be used to create realistic and novel images. They are also able to learn and recognize patterns, making them well suited for a variety of tasks in the creative industries.
Neural Network responds
We talked to the neural network
Here's what came out of it
It seems to me that everything is very clear. While our colleagues are grieving that their profession will soon cease to be relevant, we are integrating into the new time and working together with neural networks, as with new team members. The neural network is already helping us to write and correct texts, create simply crazy concept art, draw backgrounds in 2D animated videos, and correct defects in images. What does this mean for our clients? Nothing unusual, except that when large and clumsy companies just start to change their priorities and adapt to new ways of working, we will have been using these tools for several years, which means we will not lose a second of time. Our and most importantly your time. Are you with us? I'm sure yes. In addition, I will tell you one professional secret. We have a separate person in the team who deals only with neural networks. His task is to keep track of everything new and interesting in this topic every day so that our customers are the first to be able to enjoy the fruits of new technologies.
And at the end of our conversation, I want to show you a couple of examples of what neural networks can already do in the field of design and art. Enjoy!